Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just Do it!

"Don't wait. The time will never be just right."
— Napoleon Hill: was an author and pioneer of the
personal development genre 

If you are thinking about doing video marketing(or anything else in your life, for that matter) ... stop thinking, start doing! 
If you are asking yourself, "I wonder if I should .... " chances are really good the answer is YES!!
I'm feeling a sense of urgency in ACTing NOW because last week there was a terrible tragedy in my world. A client and friend was brutally beaten to death in his office. Murdered. Senselessly. 
Rob Rainey was a well-liked healer, a chiropractor who gave odd jobs to homeless people and built a nursery area in his office so an office manager who couldn't afford childcare could keep earning a living, met an untimely death last week!  
Rob's mottos ... live life to the fullest, challenge yourself often, do it today, and above all be kind! He was a sweet, sweet man and I will miss him very much! 
What did I learn from this? No matter what it is you've been wanting to accomplish, regardless of why you've been putting it off ... the motto for this week is simple ... ACT NOW!! Life is precious and moments are fleeting ... so dive in, be present and live them to the fullest. 

Be Brave, Be Bold and Mighty Forces Will Come to Your Aid! (Cameron Crowe, Almost Famous)
Have a fantastic week! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thank You Rant!

I had an experience today that reminded me of the importance of saying 'thank you.' I used to be a member of a gym. I went there regularly for years, then finally I got fed up with them and I didn't know why. 

Today I finally learned why. The people who run the gym do not say 'thank you' or express any kind of gratitude!  Here's how this came about ... 

Recently I was a meeting directly across the street from the gym, so I thought I'd stop in. I am looking for a gym again, so I proposed that I do some video for them in exchange for a membership. This is a gift for this gym because I know they are struggling. Three years ago, I was paying $500 for a membership, today they were asking for $207 on Amazon deals. 

Clearly, in terms of membership things have changed. They need to diversify their strategies and that is my specialty. I spend my days creating innovative ways to get customers for my clients. They could benefit immensely from my skill set and I was willing to share because I wanted them to succeed! 

So although I wasn't surprised that they turned me down, I was shocked that she didn't say thank you. Not once! 

Not thank you for coming in, thank you for thinking about coming back, thank you for wanting us to be successful, thank you for your offer, nada! 

No wonder they are suffering. Imagine how different the scenario would have been if they had just said 'thanks.' One simple word, maybe two. That's all ... and it would have changed everything. I would have felt appreciated, valued. (even if they didn't use my service) And I would have said yes to the Amazon Deal! 

Learn from their mistakes! As you are out in the world, remember this important marketing tip! Say Thank You to your clients often, show them your appreciation! it's important!

Ok, rant over. Thanks for listening! I'm going back to the peaceful place!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fear Knot Success

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us. It is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Nelson Mandela

This week, take the time to really shine bright and go for the big wins! If you feel scared, this is good! Use it to your advantage!  Choose to be uncomfortable! If you have a knot in stomach, good for you! 

NOW is the time to Grow! Stretch! Succeed!  ... Repeat! 

Have a fantastic week! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Think LIke a Winner

"If you don't see yourself as a winner,
then you cannot perform as a winner."
— Zig Ziglar: Motivational author and speaker

Some of my favorite things in the world are inspirational quotes. I got this one today from Nightengale-Connant. It reminded of a Real Sports interview I saw on Friday with Bryant Gumbel.  It was a follow up of Alex Zanardi, the Italian race car driver who lost his legs 10 years ago when his race car was t-boned in a horrific crash. 
If you've seen the crash, it's painful to watch! If you've seen Zanardi, he's incredible, a triumph of human spirit who proves the winning is a state of mind! 
If you haven't seen Zanardi, Google him and take a look. (or check out the Real Sports interview) Where most would see life as over, he saw a new beginning. He told his wife, don't worry about the legs, I am still here and that's what counts! 
It wasn't just bravado, over the next ten years he proceeded to race cars again, complete the Formula One race at the very same track on which he lost his legs and continues to race and win marathons with a handbike!
Bottom line, he never stopped thinking like a winner! 
What's the moral to this story? To be a winner, you need only one thing - to see yourself as one! With that the battle is 80% won!
Hope you have a victoriously productive week!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Number 1 Rule for Creating IP

As kids, one of the first lessons we learn is to share with each other.

As entrepreneurs, it's important to remember that.

People have been coming to me lately, looking to produce their own intellectual property. I love it when they do, but there's one test I put them through and most of them fail.

When I ask, "What do you want to offer people?" and I get "Well, I want to charge $19.95" ... STOP!

If you are truly interested in benefitting others, what you want to be saying to me is, "I am going to teach people to 'insert your goal here' by creating a downloadable series and I want to charge $19.95."

See the difference?

It's VALUE - a burning desire to share their information because they know it will benefit others.

So if you are out there thinking of creating a dvd or download-able program that teaches people to to better do X, remember IP Rule Number 1 - SHARE and provide VALUE and it will $ell.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Awesome Idea ...

"Hire great people and
give them the freedom to be awesome."
— Andrew Mason: is the founder and CEO of Groupon

I saw this quote today and realized how brilliant it is. As entrepreneurs, our first instinct is to try and do everything ourselves.


You have to hire people to support you. I call it the expand and contract method. I hire freelancers and work them on a job by job basis.

Truthfully, I was afraid to hire anyone at first. I had a list of reasons, which now I can't remember. I think the most serious was a fear that I wouldn't be able to afford that person.

Talk about self-limiting, false beliefs! One day I decided to give it up! I decided to listen to my intuition and hire someone!  No business can sustain a one-person show!!! That day my business changed! I opened the door for massive growth!

Look at this lightbulb, see it's made up of different components? It's a model of how your team should be. Each one, doing its part to create a whole that shines! (sorry, couldn't resist the cheesy, but none-the-less true metaphor!)

One caveat, make sure they are the best people for you. Not everyone fits. But keep searching and I guarantee you, you'll find those team members that will make your business grow!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bridge the Gap

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
— Jim Rohn: was an American entrepreneur, author
and motivational speaker

Once a week I drive to my Westside Referrals Network/LeTip meeting, down the 405 Freeway and under the Sunset Bridge. Every week I notice progress, and this week especially I marveled at the wonder of it all. 
How many people it must take, how much coordination, cooperation, planning and discipline. 
Same goes for being an entrepreneur. It takes dedication and a team to make it happen. 
Kind of amazing when you think about it. It's almost the beginning of March, did you set some goals for this year?  How are you doing with those?  Accomplishing any of them?
If not, no big deal, building a bridge can take years. Don't let the whole thing overwhelm you. There's no time like the present ... begin your bridge today!